Power of know and like and trust

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Power of know and like and trust

This Business Model is The Most Simple to Profit From.

There is no easier way to get started with making money online than affiliate marketing … hands down … period.

Affiliate marketing is where you help a product owner make more sales, rather than creating your own product. You are essentially a commission sales person for another business. If you make sales, you get paid a percentage of the sale.

The key phrase here is “if you make sales”. Most people who try affiliate marketing never make consistent sales. If you don’t make consistent sales, then you don’t make consistent income.

Power of know and like and trust

Back in the 2000’s when I started (by Matthew Graves ), it was easy to sell affiliate offers. There weren’t many people promoting these offers and people were flush with cash to spend. They would buy anything, whether it worked or not.

Fast forward to 2023 and it is a completely different ballgame. People have thousands of sellers trying to make the sale and they are more careful with their money. Don’t you think harder about spending $50 these days?

Most people buy products because they have a problem that needs solving. If you have a headache, you go buy some Tylenol. If you want to lose weight, you buy some diet plan or low calorie food. If you aren’t making as much money as you would like, then you go online looking for a way to make some money on the side. If you hate your job, you look for an online business or other job to replace it.

Humans spend most of their time thinking about two things. Problems they want to get rid of or things that they want to acquire.

People’s problems and desires have not gotten less in the last 23 years. If anything, people have more problems to solve now than they did in 2000. The difference is that they NEED TO KNOW that the solution you offer them is going to actually work. They need to TRUST the person recommending the product.

This is where the power of email comes in. There is no better way to build trust in prospective customers than having a series of emails that focus on getting people to “know, like, and trust” you. Emails that educate and motivate people to want to do business with you.

Power of know and like and trust

Watch one of the Matthew Graves’s videos:

Try something online! Here is the one program that you can start even if you are on a small budget – EasyCash4Ads

Power of know and like and trust

Yuri Grin, Canada, Toronto yurigrin@gmail.com




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Yuri Grin

Internet entrepreneur, consultant. Toronto, Canada

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