Naturally Increase Your Testosterone

Naturally Increase Your Testosterone

Want to learn how to naturally increase your T levels using science? Dr. Reznicek explains how to do this without medications or supplements.

First, what is low testosterone? Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone and a key anabolic steroid. It helps promote secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle and bone mass and the growth of body hair. It is also important in mood and energy levels.

Men with low testosterone often have low libido, erectile dysfunction, osteoporosis, sleeping problems, depressed mood, and decreased physical performance. Some men only have one or two of these symptoms.

Naturally Increase Your Testosterone

High Intensity Interval Training – This training uses resistance and weight lifting. In one recent study, the increase was 8% higher T levels after HIT versus 5% increases with low intensity. HIT has been shown to improve T levels in all age groups, another recent paper showed TT levels increased in 17% in sedentary 60-70 yo men after HIIT, they previously showed no benefit with simple cardiovascular exercise.

Lose the Pounds – Fat cells in the body convert testosterone to estrogen, which not only removes the male sex hormone but increases the female predominant hormone. Higher levels of body fat are strongly correlated to lower levels of testosterone. In a recent meta-analysis, diet associated weight loss of 9.8% body weight increased total testosterone levels by 84 ng/dL and surgical weight loss (bariatric surgery) increased total testosterone levels by 251 ng/dL on average. That is a huge gain. And that happens at smaller levels, even weight loss of 5% has been shown to increase T levels.

Get Better Sleep: We are all told to get better sleep but it is hard to do in our modern society. Sleep fragmentation and lack of sleep lead to predictably lower testosterone levels. In older men, morning testosterone levels are partly predicted by total sleep time.

Beware of Herbal Supplements – many companies will try and sell you pills or powders that will boost your testosterone. Many herbal companies will do the same. Oral supplements such as androstenedione, DHEA, and other pro hormones sell increased T levels. Most have no effect on T at all and only increase estrogen levels. Androstenedione has a short and modest impact on testosterone and after a short period of time return to normal but does increase estrogen. Many herbal supplements tout increased levels of testosterone. Some have been shown effective in animals, but no benefit in humans. Tribulus terrestrial, Tinospora cordifolia, and icariin are all commonly used ones that have not been shown to be beneficial.

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Naturally Increase Your Testosterone

Naturally Increase Your Testosterone

If you are a man dealing with low sex drive and weak erections, you shouldn’t despair. Most guys perform poorly in bed at one point in their lives. That’s one of the reasons you see so many grumpy, aging men fostering frustration and low confidence.

The good news is that you don’t have to end up like them. On the contrary, you can turn your sex life around and enjoy the same level of satisfaction as you did in your youth years. With a powerful supplement like Pinnacle Science Testo Boost, you should boost sexual stamina and get harder erections, regardless of age.

One such supplement for bigger, harder erections is Pinnacle Science Testo Boost. Thousands of customer reviews already vouch for its support for erectile issues. Above all, many guys believe that it should improve your sexual stamina to help you last longer in bed.

What Is Pinnacle Science Testo Boost?

Naturally Increase Your Testosterone with Pinnacle Science Testo Boost

Pinnacle Science Testo Boost is a 100% natural formula for maximum sexual benefits. This over-the-counter supplement should help improve your staying power. Furthermore, daily intake may help you get stronger erections every time.

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