Earl Nightingale

We want to build community of like-minded people in this project – We Share Abundance – click here = 

Earl Nightingale

One morning more than 40 years ago, an amazing message was played for a group of salespeople at Earl Nightingale’s insurance agency.

They were utterly electrified by what they heard. Word of the message spread like wildfire, and everyone who heard it was positively ignited into action. Thousands of requests for a copy of the recording came pouring in. Within no time, more than 200,000 people had called, written, or just walked right into Earl’s office to request a copy. As years went by, that number soared above 1,000,000.

Today, The Strangest Secret remains one of the most powerful and influential messages ever recorded, and continues to transform the lives of everyone who hears and heeds it. In The Strangest Secret for Succeeding in the World Today, Earl Nightingale expands the themes of that remarkable original message into a comprehensive program that explores the critical question, What does it take to prosper in an ever-changing world? — and answers it with success building discoveries that have stood the test of time.

Through Earl’s collected wisdom, you’ll learn about two categories of successful people and how to determine the category in which you belong.

You’ll also discover:

-Why you are where you think you ought to be

-Six words that can change your life

-Why hunches pay off

-How to know what you do best

-Why work and well-being are one and the same

And much more!

Earl Nightingale

Earl Nightingale

Join the project – We Share Abundance = here =

I uploaded this, because I feel everyone needs to hear it. Whether you agree with it fully or not, you can’t deny that Earl has some amazing points. If you embrace, what’s been said by Earl in this video – I’m certain your life will be changed forever.

After listening to it only twice, my thought patterns have already started to change.

PLEASE, if Earl enlightens you – go and buy a copy, to show your respect. I plan to, and will post links to where you can get yours. This truly is amazing, and I hope you all feel as inspired as I do now. :] Peace out. xo

– Brad Monroe

No copyright infringement intended, I do not own any of this recording. All rights go to their respective holders.


Speed Reading

After taking a speed reading course, Tony Robbins is known to have read 700 books in 7 years, averaging 2 books per week.

But why 700 books?

Well, the quote “The more you learn, the more you earn.” is very true.

But not everyone can speed read, and not everyone that does a speed reading course reads that fast.

So, if you can’t speed read, how can you increase your learning and earning power?

Well, I myself go through at least 2-3 books each week.

But here’s my secret… I don’t read them.

And not only do I not read them, but I don’t even take notes.

Yet, I use the books to grow at an alarming rate, and I get more out of books than someone who reads them cover to cover.

It sounds too good to be true, but I can assure you it is true.

So, if you want to know my secret to reading without reading, and how you can apply it to your life so you can experience the same growth I do, then click below to watch the quick video I’ve shot for you.

and read my report – here or sign up on the right side of the blog –>

Speed Reading

You have a good chance – download or read online my report:
“How to build your nest egg in 2021” (click image above or link)

Speed Reading

Most people are looking for ways to read books faster, but they’re looking in the wrong direction. It’s not about reading faster… So in today’s video, you’ll discover the truth on how to read more books in less time.

Speed Reading

Four tips to read faster:

How do you improve your reading speed? It’s not as complicated as you may think. Watch this video to discover Dan’s 4 tips to improve your reading speed.



Road accidents

Road accidents

Road accidents

Each year, 1.35 million people are killed on roadways around the world. Every day, almost 3,700 people are killed globally in crashes involving cars, buses, motorcycles, bicycles, trucks, or pedestrians. More than half of those killed are pedestrians, motorcyclists, or cyclists.

Road accidents

Road traffic crashes are a leading cause of death in the United States for people aged 1–54,1 and they are the leading cause of nonnatural death for U.S. citizens residing or traveling abroad.23

Throughout the world, roads are shared by cars, buses, trucks, motorcycles, mopeds, pedestrians, animals, taxis, and other travelers. Travel made possible by motor vehicles supports economic and social development in many countries. Yet each year, vehicles are involved in crashes that are responsible for millions of deaths and injuries.

Whether you’re on the road at home or abroad, know the risks and take steps to protect your health and safety.

Every year, around 1.3 million people die in road traffic accidents worldwide, a higher annual death toll than from malaria. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that car crashes cost the global economy up to $500 billion each year, and they have become the leading cause of death for young people aged between 5 and 29. Deaths on the road are most frequent in low and middle-income nations and they dominate the top of the WHO’s list. India has the most fatalities in total while Libya has the most by far on a per capita basis. In 2013, the most recent year data is available, the death rate on Libya’s roads was 73.4 per 100,000 people, a huge distance ahead of second-placed Thailand’s 36.2. The number of fatalities on roads in developed nations certainly put those grim numbers into perspective. During the same year, Germany had 4.3 deaths per 100,000 people while the United States and United Kingdom had 10.6 and 2.9 respectively.

What about Covid-19 deaths in 1 year?


Jean-Paul Sartre

Jean-Paul Sartre

Jean-Paul Sartre

Being and Nothingness: An Essay on Phenomenological Ontology” is a 1943 book by the philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre. In the book, Sartre develops a philosophical account in support of his existentialism, dealing with topics such as consciousness, perception, social philosophy, self-deception, the existence of “nothingness”, psychoanalysis, and the question of free will.

Jean-Paul Sartre

Being and Nothingness is regarded as both the most important non-fiction expression of Sartre’s existentialism and his most influential philosophical work, original despite its debt to Heidegger. Many have praised the book’s central notion that “existence precedes essence”, its introduction of the concept of bad faith, and its exploration of “nothingness”, as well as its novel contributions to the philosophy of sex.

Being and Nothingness is considered Sartre’s most important philosophical work, and the most important non-fiction expression of his existentialism. Christian existentialist Gabriel Marcel wrote that it was of “incontestable” importance and ranked among the most important contributions made to general philosophy. While Marcel noted the influence of Heidegger on “the form at least” of Being and Nothingness, he also observed that Sartre diverged from the views expressed by Heidegger in Being and Time (1927) in important ways, and that Sartre’s contributions were original.

Jean-Paul Sartre explored the problems and joys of being fundamentally free. Existentialism, the belief system with which he is associated, considers the anguish of freedom.

“Jean-Paul Sartre was born in 1905. His father, a navy captain, died when he was a baby – and he grew up extremely close to his mother until she remarried, much to his regret, when he was twelve. Sartre spent most of his life in Paris, where he often went to cafes on the Left Bank and sat on benches in the Jardin du Luxembourg. He had a strabismus, a wandering eye, and wore distinctive, heavy glasses. He was awarded the 1964 Nobel Prize for literature, but refused it on the grounds that the award was capitalist and bourgeois. He was very short (five feet three inches) and frequently described himself as ugly. He wore his hair vigorously brushed back. When he died in 1980 (aged 74), 50,000 people accompanied his coffin through the streets of Paris…”


Henry Ford

Henry Ford

This man chose your future for you?

I want to introduce you to someone.

Henry Ford

Henry Ford

Meet Henry Ford. The man that created your life…

What do I mean by that?

Well, although most people know him for being the founder of Ford Motor Company…

He was also one of the very first to standardize the 9 to 5 workday.

And because millions of companies still follow this same model – he essentially created life as most people know it. Pretty influential right?

Now. Because it’s been almost 100 years since Henry Ford made the 9 to 5 mainstream…

Many say that the model is out of date. And even go as far as saying that working a 9 – 5 can be an absolute nightmare.
But is it true?

Well, today I’m going to share with you three reasons some people struggle working in a 9 – 5 job. And also if there’s something you can do instead…

So read on and see if you can relate.

#1 Your Internal Body Clock

Most people I know are either night people, or morning people – but not both.

Which one are you?

Well, if you’re an “early bird”, you probably get more things done in the early hours of the morning (like 6 or 7 am) – but by the afternoon, you need to rest a little, recover and recharge.

And if you’re a “night owl”, you’ll probably want to press snooze as many times as possible – but then when evening comes around you suddenly become very creative and you can work all through the night…

Now, there’s nothing wrong with being either of these. But here’s the problem.

At a 9 – 5, you have to work around the company’s schedule – not yours.

So even if you’re better in the morning, you can’t just arrive at 6AM and leave at 2PM.

It just doesn’t work.

#2 Your Goals

The cost of living 100 years ago is very different to that of today.

Wouldn’t you agree?

While all you needed back then was one job…

For most people, one job isn’t enough. Sometimes two isn’t enough!

So even if you want to live modestly, usually you can’t do it on 9 – 5 paychecks.

And that’s the problem. Because we as human beings always have goals.

We are always aiming for better.

So I want you to think about your goals for a moment.

Do you want to live in a nice neighborhood in a nice comfortable home?

Do you want to travel around the world?

Do you want to own all the latest gadgets without having to feel guilty for spending some money on yourself?

Chances are, if you have any of these goals or other worthwhile goals, a 9 to 5 is not the vehicle that’s going to get you there.

Maybe 100 years ago it would be. But not today.

#3 Your Personality

We’re all different, and some people just won’t get along.

And when you have a 9 to 5, this is a problem.

Because you can’t really choose who you work with.

Often, you just have to talk to that toxic coworker.

And oftentimes, you just have to work with a group that you don’t gel with…

In fact, I remember having a major clash with my boss when I used to work at the grocery store.

He was such a jerk to me. And after one big fight, I decided just couldn’t go through that anymore. And I quit 9 – 5  jobs forever.

Anyway. After looking at these three reasons, here’s a question for you…

Henry Ford

Have You Also Grown Out of The 9 to 5 Model?

Of course everyone is at a different point in their life…

But if your answer was yes, and if you want to keep growing without a regular 9 to 5 job…

You’ll need something else to get to your destination.

Now if you’ve been following my work for a while, you’ll know I have multiple free trainings that help people get started on their first High-Income Skill.

And who knows. Maybe this is what you’ve been looking for:

Here is one of the amazing way online to break out of their 9 to 5 schedule.

It won’t happen overnight.

“What If I Don’t Want To Work A 9-5 job?”

So start your adventure from here >>


Bitcoin 5 Biggest Myths

Bitcoin 5 Biggest Myths

Bitcoin 5 Biggest Myths

Debunking Bitcoin’s 5 Biggest Myths.

Whether you believe in bitcoin as a transformative innovation or not, there’s no denying that it’s a phenomenal success.

Starting from nothing in 2009, with wild swings along the way, bitcoin recently reached a new all-time high of $19,850.

To put that into perspective, $1,000 invested in bitcoin in 2010 would be worth a staggering $172,000,000-plus by now. That’s not a typo.

If you had invested that same $1,000 in the S&P 500, your investment would be worth only $2,500.

But with this immense success comes enormous myths as well. And these myths continue to dog this nascent asset, somewhat keeping it down even as it gains solid institutional, smart-money support.

So what are these misconceptions that are keeping investors from having more clear-eyed perspective on it’s potential?

In this week’s exclusive report, Debunking Bitcoin’s 5 Biggest Myths, Steven Ehrlich, Forbes resident crypto expert, debunks these myths and provides no-nonsense explanations to set the record straight.

  • Bitcoin has no intrinsic value
  • Bitcoin is NOT secure
  • Bitcoin is too volatile?
  • Bitcoin is only used by criminals
  • … or worse, Bitcoin is illegal

These misconceptions stand to keep investors from making informed decisions about their financial future.

Learn more about Bitcoin 5 Biggest Myths

Bitcoin 5 Biggest Myths

There are many common misconceptions that newbies to the Bitcoin world have.

If you’re a Bitcoin newbie/beginner, it’s important for you to constantly learn so you can become a more responsible participant in the Bitcoin ecosystem. After all, choosing Bitcoin is opting out of a traditional financial system, and with that increased freedom and sovereignty, comes more responsibility as well.

In this new Top 5 video, Adrian will share his top 5 biggest misconceptions that he sees beginners often having. Topics range from divisibility, anonymity, usage, and more!

If you’re curious to learn more just give this video a watch and subscribe to watch more in the future!

That’s why we’re here to share the right answers in REPORT.

We hope you find it useful.

Click here to down  load report



Wayne Dyer Meditation

Dr Wayne Dyer – 5 Minutes Before You Fall Asleep – Positive Affirmations – Wayne Dyer Meditation

Wayne Dyer Meditation

WAYNE W. DYER was an internationally renowned author and speaker in the fields of self-development and spiritual growth. Over the four decades of his career, he wrote more than 40 books, including 21 New York Times bestsellers. He created many audio and video programs, and appeared on thousands of television and radio shows.

“All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him, it will not change you. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for external reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration. You may succeed in making another feel guilty about something by blaming him, but you won’t succeed in changing whatever it is about you that is making you unhappy. ”

“You are not stuck where you are unless you decide to be.” ― Dr Wayne W. Dyer 1940 – 2015

Wayne Dyer Meditation



MJ De Marco The Millionaire Fastlane

MJ De Marco The Millionaire Fastlane

The Real “Secret” To Wealth Isn’t a Damn Secret, But Common Sense.

MJ De Marco The Millionaire Fastlane

Want to know the secret behind the secrets?  The secret to exponential growth which is the predecessor to exponential wealth? The unabashed method to growing your product or service beyond the linear construct?


Doing what you love?


Following your passion?


Lifestyle design?


Superior internet marketing and copywriting that would make any guru salivate?


The answer should be construed as common sense but actually isn’t.

If you are struggling in your business, it’s probably the reason behind your struggle.  You see, the secret to owning a company that grows (and makes you wealthy) is a PRODUCT that compels people to talk.  A product that exceeds expectations.  A product that is birthed through the foundation of a need, unmet problem, or a fixed solution.

Summary of MJ De Marco The Millionaire Fastlane

MJ De Marco The Millionaire Fastlane

You see, when I look at my sales figures for TMF, the proof is in the reality.  My most successful marketing channel is not Google AdWords, Facebook or Twitter marketing, but good old WORD OF MOUTH– people who love The Millionaire Fastlane tell their friends, family, and co-workers.

And you know what?

This kind of advertising is FREE and has the best return on investment of any marketing medium in existence!  And it is all about the PRODUCT solving a need!

Well you might ask, “Hey MJ, does your product solve a need? Books are a dime-a-dozen!”  I know.

However, if it didn’t feel TMF could change lives (and be different from anything out there)  I would have bothered to write it.  TMF needed to be written and the spectacular reviews reflect that.  Anyhow, take a look around your neighborhood. You know that restaurant that is ALWAYS JAMMED PACKED?  And yet, never advertises?  That’s the power of the product.  Just something to think about!

Again, don’t take my word for it — see the power of product by reading the reviews for Fastlane over at Amazon (over 800 of them) or at the forum. <- Geez, 2,500 of them.

Download this book in .pdf file:

MJ De Marco The Millionaire Fastlane

PS: I would really appreciate if you recommended this post to other people.

Ready to start your own online business and learn important set of sills? Click on image below.


9 recommended copywriting books

There’s a lot of copywriting books out that are good.

But if you had to ask me. Here are my 9 absolute must-reads
(recommended by Dan Lok – watch video at the end of the post):

9 recommended copywriting books

#1 Made To Stick – Chip Heath and Dan Heath

How do you come up with sticky ideas? Ideas that sell again and again? And ideas that no one ever forgets?

It’s not what you’d expect. Some ideas take on a life of their own, but in Made To Stick, you’ll get a formula to write winning, sticky ideas more often.

You’ll also discover why stories are powerful, emotionally engaging, and memorable.

#2 One Sentence Persuasion – Blair Warren

When it comes to influence, this is it.

There is nothing more powerful than this very short book. If you don’t enjoy reading long books from front to end – you’ll love this little one.

And what you learn actually works.

#3 Dazzling Dialogue – James Scott Bell

Do you know the difference between good dialogue and AMAZING dialogue?

It’s one word: conflict.

Very few copywriters know how to write interesting dialogue. And even fewer know how to write dialogue that contains conflict. After you read this book however; you’ll know how to do it.

#4 On Advertising – David Ogilvy

What separates a good ad from a bad ad?

And how do you make sure your ads GLUE everyone that looks at them – and force them to go and buy whatever you’re selling?

After you’ve read this book – you’ll know how.

#5 On Writing Well – William Zinsser

In copywriting, every word has a purpose. And that’s why it can be so tricky.

You want everything you write to bypass the reader’s critical mind and get past their defences. But how do you do that? How do you actually write in a way that no one knows you’re actually convincing them to buy?

This book will show you how.

#6 The Adweek Copywriting Handbook – Joseph Sugarman

Imagine downloading one of the greatest copywriter minds into your brain just by reading one book.

That’s how good this one is.

Sugarman is an incredible copywriter. Just one of his ads sold 20 MILLION pairs of sunglasses. And that’s back before people bought things online!

This is everything you need to build your foundations as a copywriter.

#7 How To Write A Good Advertisement – Victor O Schwab

Copywriting isn’t just about the words you use. Copywriting is also all about psychology.

People buy because they want to feel a certain way: happy, loved, wanted.

Once you can tap into those underlying human desire in your copy, you’ll be able to sell anything with your copy.

#8 Great Leads – Michael Masterson

Don’t know how to start your sales message? Michael Masterson will show you how to never get writer’s block again. And you know what else? He’ll show you when some leads are actually 10x better than others.

This is one of the more advanced books on this list – but every copywriter should read it.

#9 Traffic Secrets – Russell Brunson [This Shouldn’t Be Here]

This last one isn’t about writing better copy – but it is THE book for anyone who’s anyone in the internet marketing space.

You see, if you’re going to become a good copywriter – you NEED to understand how traffic works…

You need to know how to drive traffic. How to convert traffic. And how to turn it into profits for your clients.

And that’s exactly what this book is all about.

But there’s something else unique about this book.

You could go to Amazon.com and pay the full price of $24.95…

Or for a limited time, you could actually get this one at no-cost.

(All you have to do is cover shipping)

That’s right. Russell is actually giving his books away for those that take action fast.

If you want to start your copywriting collection at no cost,
click here to grab your copy of Traffic Secrets today

That is why I included this book in the list of:

9 recommended copywriting books

9 recommended copywriting books

Order your free copy here >>