List Building

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Free 30 Day Email List Building Challenge – Day 1

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List Building

Building an audience of people who know, like and trust you is essential to creating a consistent, profitable online business.

The BEST way to get started doing that is still with email marketing, especially in the affiliate and online marketing niche.

Over the next 30 days, I am going to take you on a journey to getting the first 250 members on your email list using free tools and free traffic sources.

It is going to take time, but very little money to get started.

Each day, I will show you exactly what I am doing, step by step, and the results I am getting from my efforts.

You will see as I figure out what offers to make and which traffic sources are generating the results. Let’s go on this journey together!

List Building

List Building

March Traffic Madness is the BIG launch this month!

Over 1,000 members have joined in under 4 days!

Why wouldn’t they join?

The site is giving away free traffic from high quality sites everyday for the entire month.

In just the first 5 days, they have given away 40,000 mailing credits and a free solo ad!

Every day, there is another traffic package worth $5 to $20.

This month, there will be over 300,000 free credits at top ranked mailers and safelists.

Free solo ads and Premium Memberships. ALL FREE!

If you want thousands of free visitors this month,

just click below and join March Traffic Madness for FREE!

List Building

here is what Matthew Graves advises..

Are you wasting your website traffic that you spend so much effort generating? Unfortunately, most beginning online marketers are doing exactly that!

Here is why …

If you are generating traffic from safelists, traffic exchanges, solo ads, and even paid advertising with Facebook or Google, then it needs to be used for ONLY ONE PURPOSE.

Collecting new leads. In other words, building a list of email addresses of prospects who MAY be interested in doing business with you.

Any traffic which you send to pages which do not have the sole purpose of collecting email addresses is WASTED.

“But what about promoting that great offer on Click Bank, Warrior+, or JV Zoo?”

It doesn’t work. If you have been trying to make sales directly to visitors from your ads, then you know it is true. Most people don’t buy from strangers. They rarely buy on impulse, especially if the product costs more than a few dollars.

Let me use an example.

Just yesterday, I was on Instagram and saw an ad for a new workout program aimed just at men over 50, like me. It caught my interest because I am focused on getting in better shape this year. I clicked the ad and it went to the sales page for a $37 program. I thought about clicking the buy button but I hesitated. Would it work? Would I do the work to follow the program? Do I have time for a new workout routine? Instead of buying, I saved the link to look at later.

If the price of the program had been $7, I might have bought it, but it wasn’t. It was $37.

I am not willing to waste $37 on a program I haven’t heard of before. Even if the program is great, I don’t know if I have the time to do it right. I wont spend that much money on an impulse.

If you think about it from the point of view of the person advertising that program to me, it isn’t good. They probably paid Instagram $1 to $3 to get me to click that link. I didn’t buy. They paid the money and lost the opportunity to turn me into a customer.

How could they have done it differently?

If the ad had sent me to a page which offered a quick free workout in exchange for my email address, then they would have an asset for the money they spent. They would have my email address and could keep communicating with me to try to entice me to buy the $37 program. Instead, by trying to go straight for the sale, they lost me.

As the title of my podcast says, you have to Stop Selling to Strangers!

Instead of going straight for the sale, you need to turn strangers into friends and friends into customers.

You do this by offering something your ideal prospects want in exchange for their email address. Then, you communicate with them over time to get them to know, like, and trust you. Once you have done that, then getting them to buy is SO MUCH EASIER!

It is what I teach my coaching clients and members of my programs. It is also what I actually do. I practice what I preach. 

You are a member of March Traffic Madness because I offered you free traffic in exchange for your email address!


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Yuri Grin

Internet entrepreneur, consultant. Toronto, Canada

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