Dangerous word Free

You cannot have everything for free.

I would say you can have nothing for free (when it comes to business or something commercial). I think it’s clear that this word is being used according psychological laws. (other part of article was posted by internet entrepreneur Jeff Herring)

Here is why!

Programs advertise this word – F R E E – all the time to get you to join.  However, if no money ever changes hands, how can anyone earn an income?  Online business is overall cheaper than offline, because you do not deal with some of the typical expenses, such as land, buildings, equipment.  You work out of your existing residence using an online connection you already subscribe to, and you use a computer, tablet or phone you already own.

Online businesses still have costs, such as scripts, merchant accounts and hosting.  Therefore, the business must recoup these costs plus some profit as they put a price on the product, service or training they are providing.

Some people forget these costs and are just free loaders, trying to get something for nothing.  Another possibility is because they have lost some money trying to figure out online marketing, and their reluctance for risk is driving this behavior.

Let me present you with some real life examples:  You would never go to a gas station and expect free gas, a restaurant and expect a free meal, or a grocery store and expect free milk and eggs.  Yet somehow a lot of people associate online business as free.

For anyone to make an income, money must pass from one person to another.  Otherwise, what incentive would anyone have to start an online  b u s i n e s s.  This is a simple concept you need to realize if you plan to be serious about an online income.

As you start to build you affiliate business, you can go free on some aspects of your business, mainly traffic generation.  Using traffic exchanges, safe lists, and social media to send traffic to your offers.  However, realize this is a cost in time, not money, but it is a cost to you.

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Review Brian Tracy and his book Eat the frog.

This eat that frog story comes from Mark Twain. Mark Twain once said that, “If the
first thing that you do when you wake up in the morning is to eat a live frog, you’ll
have the satisfaction of knowing that’s probably the worst thing that’s going
to happen to you all day long.”

We all have only 24 hours per day. We cannot change that. Some people use that 24 hours per day in  more efficient way and eventually get the job done. Other people finish their day and get only minimum possible things done.

We don’t want to eat that frog. So we procrastinate. Advice from Mark Twain has 2 points.

  1. If you have to do something very hard or unpleasant (ugly frog) start you day with this (don’t spoil the rest of the day).
  2. If you have to do 2 hard tasks today do the most difficult first ( the ugliest frog).

You cannot manage time, you can manage the things (events) that you can do during the day (or the order of events). It’s really the management of the sequence of events in your life.

Personal management is the ability to choose what you do first, what you do second, and what you do later if at all. Way you use your time and order of choices you make really changes  output of whole day.

You can read a lot more in the book of Brian Tracy “Eat that Frog”.

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Average network marketer can only bring in 2.7 people.

This is statistics (see article here by Mitch Hayes)

MLM Success is contingent upon many factors, not the least of which is the ability to build a large and successful downline.

Most MLM practitioners are unable to recruit enough people to sustain their business long enough for it to succeed.  The industry average is something like 2.7, meaning that the average person can recruit 2.7 people.

Sure, there are gifted men and women who seem to be able to recruit at will but they are the exception, not the rule. So, if a large and thriving downline is critical to Network Marketing success and the average network marketer can only bring in 2.7 people, how can anyone succeed in this industry?

The answer lies in a very simple concept, “The Power of Two.”

Simply put, recruit two people and help each of those recruit two people. Then teach the first two to help their people recruit two and so forth. This strategy sets the average MLM distributor up for success instead of failure. There are some very good reasons for this. First, you have simplified the whole recruiting process. All they have to do is recruit two. Second, it creates the momentum necessary to achieve sustained growth. And as the team grows, your support system grows along with it because now everyone is helping everyone below them to get their two. Building with  The Power of Two enables your team to work together to grow a solid downline that will make the business profitable for everyone.

The numbers are truly staggering! They may seem small at first but watch what happens as The Power of Two takes over and the business begins to grow.

If you start with one person recruiting two people in their first month and each person thereafter recruits just two in their first month and if everyone on the team follows through with the plan, in four months there will be 63 people on the team. In Six months it will grow to 127, in  eight months it will be 511 and in one year, with everyone only expected to recruit two and help their two recruit two, your organization would grow to 8,191 distributors. Now, in any MLM compensation plan I know of, that translates to success and a boat load of cash! And it was accomplished in just one year.

We help you to get your members!

Of course it’s a given that no system is perfect and there will always be folks who drop out or who refuse to do their part, that’s MLM. It doesn’t matter. You simply bypass those weak spots by recruiting another distributor and help them get their two. Problem solved. MLM Success is not always easy but it is incredibly simple. Achieve success by helping others succeed. Help others succeed by building with The Power of Two.

* * *

If you are still looking for a good program that can help you reach financial success online, this is what I want to recommend!
“The Towers Team – TrafficWave” – check it out, 30 days free to understand how it works.




How do you enroll new distributors when you are brand new?

How do you enroll new distributors when you’re brand new with no results and no credibility?


Do you try to build a huge social media following to look impressive? Should you take pictures next to big houses and fancy cars? Should you spend hours studying the comp plan and becoming an expert on your product/company in order to get people to take you seriously? (this post was shared by Tyson Zahner on Facebook)

The short answer is … NO ?! You don’t need to do any of that stuff.

Here’s how I know:

In 2013, After 18 years of failure in multiple direct sales opportunities, I joined yet ANOTHER company.

“Surely this time will be different” I thought.

But after a few phone calls to my “Top 100 List”, it became clear that this time would be no different than before.

In fact, it was worse! ?

I had burnt out my friends and family on so many “deals” prior to this one, they were saying things like, “OMG! Not another one” … and “How long is this one gonna last, Tyson?”

(Come to think of it, I actually had the opposite of credibility!)

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, child and outdoor

So I decided to turn to the internet in search of an alternate strategy for building my business outside of the belly to belly methods that had failed me time and time again.

I discovered a simple 3-step process that I was told could result in leads chasing me instead of the other way around.

I was skeptical for sure ? (especially considering the countless empty promises I had been told before).

But, considering I felt I had nothing left to lose, I gave this 3-step process a shot.

Long story short … I was astonished at how well it worked ?

Even though I wasn’t some big name celebrity and even though I had no results, no credibility and no experience, I started getting a consistent flow of leads reaching out to me!

Today I’ve generated tens of thousands of leads online and I landed the top earner position in one of my companies for 3 straight years in a row. ? ? ?

Since then, I’ve spoken on stages across the country teaching this simple 3-step process to all kinds of small business owners.

It’s the exact same 3-step process that I’ll be teaching in a free upcoming web class.

In fact, I’ve had students use this process for ALL kinds of products and services including Networkers, Info Product Creators, Affiliates, Service Providers, Insurance, Real Estate and even Traditional Brick and Mortar Businesses.

Of course, I’ve used this exact same system to acquire customers for my coaching company every month.

But don’t just take my word for it … one of my students who’s a Real Estate agent (named David) used this strategy to generate home buyer leads and closed two separate deals totaling around 13k in commissions.

Another student, Ellie launched her first online program and her first book with these techniques.

And of course, I have a ton of networker marketers who’ve used these strategies successfully as well …

For example, Artis became a top recruiter in his previous company thanks to these techniques.

And Brenda went from no leads to more leads than she could follow-up with in a single day

All from implementing the exact same strategies I’ll be teaching on this upcoming free web class.

The class is only 60 minutes long. You can attend today and start using this 3-step system as early as tomorrow.

By the way, there’s more to this 3-step formula than just attracting leads. Here’s just a fraction of what you’ll get when you attend …

➡️ How to Eliminate Prospecting so you never have to strike up conversations with strangers again.

➡️ Discover the 3 Best Groups of People to Target to Attract Buyers

➡️ The Secret to Selling with Less Objections and Resistance

➡️ What You Should NEVER Say When Someone Asks What Business You’re In (HINT: 99% of Networkers Screw This Up. I’ll tell you what to say instead)

➡️ What if My Company Forbids Marketing Online? I’ll show you how this can work for ANY business (even if your company has strict rules against online advertising)

➡️ Wanna Say Goodbye to Dead Beat Leads and Cold Calling? I’ll show you how to qualify your leads BEFORE you ever waste another precious minute of your time talking to people one-on-one.

➡️ The truth about success that upline sponsors won’t tell you

➡️ What you can do to get people excited to buy from you specifically over every other distributor in your exact same company!

And that’s really just the tip of the iceberg.

But I’m only offering this class for a limited time and the seats are filling up so reserve your spot now! ?

Here’s a bonus videos that you’ll want to watch before the webinar if you have time:

PS. The web class lasts about 60 minutes and you’ll be able to implement what you learn immediately afterwards at no cost. At the end I will be making an offer for those who want to work with me more closely and get additional help. This is 100% optional. The training is free and holds NOTHING back.

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If you are interested to plug yourself into the network with our team and build business from home, check out my offer – join “The Tower Team -TrafficWave “!

We will help you promote and place 10 paid members in your downline! Read my free report here >>>

Join The Towers Team!

Yuri Grin, Canada, 2017, Casa Loma Castle


Heal your life and business with Louse Hay

Louise was able to put her philosophies into practice when she was diagnosed with cancer. She considered the alternatives to surgery and drugs, and instead developed an intensive program of affirmations, visualization, nutritional cleansing, and psychotherapy. Within six months, she was completely healed of cancer.

In 1980, Louise moved back to her native Southern California, and it was here that she began putting her workshop methods on paper. In 1984, her new book, You Can Heal Your Life, was published. In it, Louise explains how our beliefs and ideas about ourselves are often the cause of our emotional problems and physical maladies and how, by using certain tools, we can change our thinking and our lives for the better.

You Can Heal Your Life reached the New York Times bestseller list and remained on it for 13 consecutive weeks. More than 50 million copies of You Can Heal Your Life have been sold throughout the world. Twenty years later, due to her appearances on the Oprah Winfrey Show, You Can Heal Your Life was again on the New York Times bestseller list. The first time in that publication’s history that has happened!

Beautiful and meaningful affirmations to uplift your day. Click on each category below to reveal positive affirmations for creating your best life!  Read some of them.

Inspirational Quotes about prosperity | "Life brings me only good experiences. I am open to new and wonderful changes." — Louise Hay

Are you still looking for your path to build online business from home? (or any location with access to internet)? Check this out here >>> or read more about The Towers Team here>>>


The Power of One in Network Marketing and TrafficWave

Network Marketing Wealth With The Power Of One

Most of the time, when we hear about a powerful success story in network marketing, we are hearing about someone that just ran some incredible numbers on an almost impossible to believe level.

While it is exciting to read about this sort of success, most of us tend to think that we just can’t achieve that sort of wealth in network marketing unless we become a power house recruiter and put hundreds of people in to the business, personally.

This article is designed to show you what can be done when you commit to being consistent and focus your efforts for a while, no matter which network marketing business you are building.

I call it:

The Power Of One

This plan is designed for the part-timer that may only have a few hours to spend on their business each week. They aren’t going to quit their job any time soon but they do want to build a business on the side with the expectation that they will have the option to fire their boss or cut their job hours back should they choose to do so.

What we are going to focus on is bringing in 1 new referral each month. Just ONE.

Can you do more? Yes but this example is going to focus on the sort of power and leverage you can build up by bringing in just one new referral and (this is the important part) teaching and helping them to do the same.

Let’s take a look at what can happen with this incredible Power Of One system in your network marketing business.

Remember: We are focusing on getting ONE new referral each month. We are going to then work with that new referral to help them do the same.

So let’s take a look at what can happen.

Month 1: You are just getting started with your new business. You are excited, of course! You probably don’t know much about the pay plan or how it all works but you can definitely see the potential. You reach out to some friends and you bring in one new referral. You now have 1 referral in your team.

Month 2: You and your new team member from last month also bring in a new referral. Your group grows by 2 so you now have a total of 3 referrals in your team.

Month 3: You and your 3 referrals are getting the training. You are working together and you each bring in 1 new referrals. Your team now has 7 total referrals.

Month 4: You and your team are staying in touch with your upline leadership team. You are working together and you each add a new referral. Your network marketing business now has a total of 15 people on your team. You have personally referred just 4 of those!

Month 5: You continue learning about your business. You are now seeing some results and your team is getting excited! You each refer just ONE new referral in this 5th month which now brings your network marketing team to a total of 31 members!

Month 6: By this time, most people have quit their network marketing business. They probably said something like, “I don’t like get rich quick deals” but then got frustrated because they didn’t make money fast. Most folks have been working their regular jobs much longer than 6 months and not only are they not rich yet but they have no reasonable expectation that their job will ever make them rich. But they keep waking up in the morning and going to their job.

You and your team recognize that this is a process that may take some time. You are committed to each other and your future success so you continue working together,. You spend time on personal development. You keep learning more and you each put one new referral on the team this month! Now your network marketing business has a total of 63 people and your team is really starting to get excited!

Month 7: You are starting to feel the excitement in your team, now. This Power of One is really starting to have an impact on your network marketing business. Your team is growing and so is your income!

You and your team are building momentum. Some folks may be putting in more than 1 new referral now but let’s keep doing the math based on everyone on the team bringing in just one new referral this month. Your team continues to grow and now you have 127 people in your network marketing business.

Month 8: Now you are really starting to feel the excitement! This thing is actually working! Your network marketing team is seeing results and you continue working on personal development. Your team follows the system and you each add one new referral. Your team now has 255 members!

Month 9: Your team reaches 511 members this month! Depending on your company’s pay plan, bonus incentives, etc… your income should be at a very nice level by this time!

Month 10: By following the simplicity of The Power Of One, your network marketing business has now reached 1,023 team members!

Month 11: Can you believe your team is now 2,047 members strong?

Month 12: 4,095 members in your network marketing business in your first year!

NOTE: I should say that reality is different than mathematical model and it can take you 2-3 years or even more to reach these numbers.

And Now For The Reality Check: If you are like most folks, you probably gave up around month 3, 4, or 5. Somebody told you “no”. Guess what. That happens to folks who have been in the industry for years and are earning 5 and 6 figure monthly checks, too. We all hear “no”. Those who succeed just didn’t quit. They just talked to the next person on their list.

The key to successfully implementing this plan is for YOU to make up your mind that you are going to see the plan all the way through. Recognize that some will do more than others. Some will do less than others. Some will quit. Some will excel. That’s what happens in the real world and it’s no different in the network marketing arena.

We all know that there are tremendously successful people involved in network marketing. The first question is for you to ask yourself: Am I ready to become one of the success stories? If you are, then make the decision to follow this plan. Don’t beg people to join your opportunity. Invite people to partner with you as you follow a plan to create financial freedom together.

Consider working harder on the front end and go for 2, 3, or 4 new referrals and work with them to do the same. Momentum is a powerful ally in your network marketing venture. Put it to work for you. Build as fast or as slow as you like but the key is to continue building your business!

Want to start? I will show you the plan! Click the image below:


BrianRooneyAbout The Author: Brian Rooney escaped the rat race in the year 2000 by starting his own home based business. Since that time, Mr. Rooney has provided tools and training for thousands of network marketing professionals via his internet marketing services. If you are looking for a home based business for yourself, be sure to view this and get this free report.




Spoon and Cherry Monument in Minneapolis

This giant spoon and cherry was erected in 1985 by artist Claes Oldenburg and his wife, Coosje van Bruggen and is the centerpiece of the Walker Art Center’s Minneapolis Sculpture Garden, the largest urban sculpture park in the world. Oldenburg was an artist who was known for making oversized versions of everyday objects and food products. Together with his wife he set up a number of public sculptures, including Chicago’s Batcolumn sculpture. The spoon was Oldenburg’s idea, who had a habit of doodling spoons ever since 1962 when he was inspired by a spoon resting on a piece of fake chocolate. The cherry in the piece was van Bruggen’s idea, wanting to use it as a comment on the garden’s otherwise staid layout. (more info on this website about Minneapolis)

The spoon itself weighs 5,800 pounds and the cherry, another 1,200 pounds. The cherry’s stem also acts as a fountain which sprays into the bowl of the spoon and off into the pond beneath. Even the pond itself has meaning, being shaped to resemble a linden seed, drawing attention to the rows of linden trees planted nearby.

The city of Minneapolis seems to have largely embraced the massive sculpture, expressing almost universal outrage when Spoonbridge and Cherry was vandalized in 2012 as part of a “Kony 2012” protest. The artwork was cleaned up and still remains as a somewhat goofy, definitely unforgettable icon of the Minnesota city.

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Are you in affiliate marketing, but work alone without team. No results?

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The perfect offer to making money by giving away free products.

“FREE! How To Get A Consistent Stream Of Cash-In-Hand Buyers For ANY Offer …Even If Nobody’s Ever Heard Of You” (by Dean Holland)

If you’d like to make 4 or even 5 figures income as an affiliate, promoting other people’s products for commissions…

…And you’d like to discover how to do so WITHOUT having to sell anything, this will be the most important letter you have ever read (see my offer at the end of the post)

But first…

I Need To Come Clean About Something…

Before we go any further, I need you to know something…

I didn’t invent this method

Sorry, I’m just not that smart…

I first saw it happen at a market in London by 2 guys who were selling, of all things – CHEESE…

I’ve since discovered it’s used by companies like Coca Cola and Nutella who’ve made BILLIONS, in part to this method

Now, don’t worry, I know you’re probably not selling cheese, cola or chocolate spread, and that’s fine…

18 months ago, I discovered a way to use it on the internet to get a consistent stream of buyers for just about ANY offer online, even if nobody’s heard of you

However, please know, this is NOT one of those ‘get rich quick for doing nothing’ websites that promises untold wealth for lazy folks

Here’s the deal…

This method is working incredibly well for me. Financially, it’s made me a millionaire – I’m not bragging, it’s fact. (Dean Holland)

It’s also working well for my army of affiliates, my group of high level mentoring clients and a network of other online millionaires who have discovered it

I believe it can help you too, but I’m not suggesting that it’s going to make you a millionaire like me.

I don’t know how much you’ll make, I don’t even know if you’ll do anything with it once I get it to you (although I sure hope you will?)

So, with that said… let me jump in and show you

Exactly What You’re Getting…

This is a strategy that can be deployed by anyone, even if you’ve yet to make your first sale online.

It’s powered by the fact that there’s only 3 ways to grow your business, the first of which is to “get more customers”

That is exactly what you’ll do with this… Get a consistent flow of customers every single day onto your email list, so you can sell them anything else you’d like

(it goes without saying that you shouldn’t exploit this strategy for evil… you need to sell them stuff that they want and need, of course)

The training itself is just 68 minutes, so it’s quick to consume. You’ll immediately discover how we make millions by giving away products for free so you can copy the strategy for yourself.

And even though this strategy crushes it for affiliate marketers…

It Also Works Amazingly Well For Digital Product Owners, Network Marketers, And eCommerce Store Owners

See, you can use this EXACT strategy to get buyers for just about ANY business

For example, I’ve recently generated $709,900.20 in sales of my own digital products by using this method

A client of mine just used this to start a brand-new eCommerce store, in a hyper competitive niche and got 4,863 customers by giving away something for free, which results in her making $51,043 so far

One of my mentors who also uses this method, just used it for a special campaign that resulted in over 50,000 copies of his book being ordered and well over $1,000,000 being generated in a 30 day period

AND, a client of mine just shared with me that this method allowed him to make over $31,000 in affiliate commissions by using the same method you’ll discover when you get this from me.

So, like I said, this is more than just for affiliate marketers.

PS: I’ve already ordered this information from Dean, to apply it to business I develop with AIOP team (All in one profits). Click HERE or image below to see one of the invitation pages
and follow the instructions that you’ll get in email.

Feel free to contact me (support@yurigrin.com) and ask questions on how I am going to apply the information (written on USB stick – 68 min training) from Dean Holland.


Are you emailing when commuting to work?

Should commuting count as work?

Up to 60% of commuters on one British railway connected to onboard Wi-Fi after it was introduced, according to a new study. Commuters who were interviewed for the research said they were able to use their traveling time to “catch up” with work and prepare for their day. The researchers said that some commuters in Norwayare able to count their travel time as work, which can lead to a number of benefits.

  • Counting commuting time as work could reduce pressure on transportation systems by allowing more flexibility around working times.
  • The downside is that such an arrangement may lead to more surveillance of employees. Also, trains and other vehicles would need upgrades to create better working environments.

We are online 24*7. Now it’s more about work life integration than work life balance. Also with rising real estate costs in major metropolitan cities, more people are choosing to stay in the suburbs, making few hours travel time a reality of their daily lives.

I endorse this move for 3 reasons – (says Rajita Kulkarni, President at Sri Sri University)

1) Deep Work- Quiet time on trains ( in the western countries ) allows “Deep Work”- an undisturbed time to think & act. No interruptions by coworkers stopping by, no ringing phones, no unwanted meetings. Research can be done about how this productivity/ accuracy is different from that at actual workplace.

2) Load Balancing traffic/ crowds- This will help get rid of “Peak time” concepts in travel thereby reducing the extraordinary load on public services, road traffic & time taken for travel. It will also allow people to organise their work around personal needs like children’s schedules & other such demands.

3) Increase Happiness- Flexibility, freedom of choice & being recognised for every minute of work put in can be huge catalysts in increasing the sense of well being & happiness. It’s not where we work that should matter, but how well we work.

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What can save you some time? See this Blueprint to more Time Freedom when you start your own online business. Or maybe quit your job? Click here >>

Times have changed. Now some employees can work from home, adopt a schedule with flexible hours, and execute work tasks while traveling to and from the office.

Over the last decade, greater access to Wi-Fi on trains and the widespread adoption of smartphones have led to an extension of the traditional working day for many.

Researchers said Thursday that if employees using their commute to work had this time recorded as part of their working day, it would likely “allow for more comfort and flexibility” and ease rush-hour bottlenecks.

Passengers use smartphones inside a subway train in Seoul, South Korea, in 2015.  

Passengers use smartphones inside a subway train in Seoul, South Korea, in 2015.

In Norway, commuters have been seen to be able to include some travel time as part of their working day, the researchers made note of. This is not the case however in the U.K., so researchers at the University of the West of England (UWE) set out to examine the impact of free Wi-Fi on commuter trains.

They surveyed 5,000 rail passengers traveling on Chiltern Railways trains on two major London routes — from/to Birmingham and Aylesbury — over a 40-week period in 2016 and 2017.

Observing how popular the uptake of free Wi-Fi was, the researchers discovered that many passengers were willing to make use of the complimentary connectivity, increasingly as the amount of free Wi-Fi was extended. Others opted to use their own mobile data.

The UWE study, published Thursday, found that many of those surveyed used their commute to prepare for the day, or to catch up on work tasks, including emails.

What I learned from commuting more than 300 hours in one year

What I learned from commuting more than 300 hours in one year

Researchers also suggested calling for more available tables, seats and power sources, in addition to sufficient continuous connectivity. To enhance this, investment would be required from train operators and telecom businesses, the university added in an accompanying release.

Presenting the findings at the Royal Geographical Society’s (with IBG) annual international conference, study co-author Dr Juliet Jain said in a statement, “If travel time were to count as work time, there would be many social and economic impacts, as well as implications for the rail industry. It may ease commuter pressure on peak hours and allow for more comfort and flexibility around working times. However, it may also demand more surveillance and accountability for productivity.” (see all the post by )

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Click the image to Open your own store.


The Rule of 90 to 10 percent that Affects Your Whole Life

The 90/10 Rule.

The 90/10 Rule is one of the most helpful concepts for life and time management. According to this principle: 10 percent of your activities will account for 90 percent of your results. This can change the way you set goals forever! (this post is by Jeff Hunter)

90/10 Rule In Action

If you have a list of ten items to accomplish, only one of those items will turn out to be worth more than the other nine items put together.

If you have a list of ten items to accomplish, only one of those items will turn out to be worth more than the other nine items put together.

The sad fact is that most people procrastinate on the top 10 percent of items. However, these are the most valuable and important – the “vital few”.  Instead, they busy themselves with the least important 90 percent, the “trivial many,” which contribute very little to their success.

Delegate, Automate, or Stop Doing it

How To Apply The 90/10 Rule

Here’s what you should do in order to effectively apply the 90/10 rule to goal setting and to your overall productivity.

First, take a piece of paper and write down ten goals. Then ask yourself: If you could only accomplish one of the goals on that list today, which one goal would have the greatest positive impact on your life?

After completing this exercise, your choice will determine the most important goal. Achieving this goal will help you much more than any of the other goals on your list combined.  Ensure that you continue to work at the goal which you’ve chosen as the most valuable all the time.

This does NOT mean the other 90% of your work goes away, but you must make three choices for the other 90%:

A) Delegate it
B) Automate it
C) Stop doing it

Accomplish The Biggest Task First

Often, you may see people who appear to be busy all day long but seem to accomplish very little. This is almost always the case as they are busy working on tasks that are of low value. On the other hand, they are procrastinating on the one activity that could make a real difference to their companies and to their careers.

The most valuable task you can do each day is often the hardest and most complex. The payoff and rewards will make completing them truly worth it.

Before you begin work, always ask yourself, “Is this task in the top 10 percent of my activities or in the bottom 90 percent?”

The rule to adhere to here is: resist the temptation to clear up small things first!

Choosing to start your day working on low-value tasks, will cause you to soon develop the habit of always starting and working on low-value tasks.


Always Work Towards Your Main Goal

Always Work Towards Your Main Goal

Finally, let’s discuss this study that has just been done about the attitudes of rich people versus poor people in regard to goal setting. The study found that 85% of rich people have one big goal that they work on all the time.

Therefore, if you want to be wealthy, perhaps you should do what wealthy people do. Pick one big goal and work on it all the time. If you do, it will change your life.

Before we wrap up, I’d like to leave you with a thought to share with your friends and followers:

Your income right now is a result of your standards, it is not the industry, it is not the economy.” – Tony Robbins

Those are my strategies for applying the 90/10 Rule to goal setting.

My questions today are: “Have you used the 90/10 Rule for goal setting? If you have, what changes have you noticed in your life?”

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Apply this rule to fire your boss. Are you on fire to retire early? See the PLAN.

How To Use 9010 Lifestyle To Achieve Success

Dreaming big dreams has always been the starting point of great success. Nothing works faster than for you to cast off your own limitations. Begin dreaming and fantasizing about the wonderful things that you can become, have, and do. Nothing is more important, and nothing works faster.

William Shakespeare wrote, “Do not be like the cat who wanted a fish but was afraid to get his paws wet.” You must be willing to take the necessary steps to achieve your goals. When you make attempts and attain the success within reach, your levels of self-esteem and self-confidence will go up immediately. You will feel empowered about yourself and your ability to deal with what happens to you. The reason why so many people accomplish so little is because they never allow themselves to take action and achieve the kind of life that is possible for them.

Theory Of Constraints

As outlined by Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox in their  “Theory of Constraints” –  is a set of tools to achieve positive change agents which can be used to manage constraints, thereby increasing profits. Thus making it possible to use this powerful principle to dream big dreams and live without limits. This is one of the greatest breakthroughs in modern thinking.

Goldratt found that in every process when seeking to accomplish any goal, there is a bottleneck or choke cord that serves as a constraint on the process. This constraint seeks to set the speed at which you achieve any particular goal. If you concentrate all of your creative energies and attention on alleviating the constraint, you can speed up the process faster than by doing any other single thing.

Allow me to illustrate using an example. Well, this is actually a true story. Imagine this! I was a very successful Project Manager for an AMAZING company. I was working 10-12 hours a day average. I was SLAVING my butt off for years and years. And I wasn’t seeing the progress of my hard work and dedication as I was doing everything in my business myself.

After working 10 – 12 hours a day for the years which ran by, I’d be exhausted. Needless to say, I was also watching my family fall apart. My stress levels were off the charts but I felt trapped. I needed my job to provide for the needs and well-being of my family but the time I was spending at my job made the home situation worse. I wanted to give up!


My utilization of the 90/10 lifestyle has afforded me with the drive to dream big and succeed. I quit my job at that amazing company and went into business for myself. I knew that I had a great skill and was certain that after so many years of polishing my craft that I could competently handle my own business.

9010 Rule In Action

The 90/10 Rule In Action

My “Virtual Assistants” do over 90% of my work for me. No crap! No BS! No making stuff up! I literally figured out how to delegate 90% of what I did to virtual assistants and freelancers around the world. Don’t think for a minute that achieving this was an overnight achievement. There were many times I fell along the way. I went through hell out there, to get to where I am today!

I successfully launched my own business SOLELY POWERED by a 100% virtual team.

This is not an attempt at self-praise nor conceit. I’ve been humbled by the journey it took to get me here and I feel somewhat scornful when people treat me like a hero when I go to conferences now. I’m just a normal person who created a foolproof system to delegate effectively, and build an incredible virtual team!

What Are Your Constraints?

Constraints refer to the things, whether real or imagined which prevent you from achieving your goals. Therefore it is important that you identify the factors holding you back? Is it your level of education or skill? Is it your current occupation or job? Is it your current environment or level of health? Is it the situations that you are in today? What sets the pace for you achieving your goal?

Bearing in mind that learning should never stop, you can unlearn the things which debilitate your progress. It is possible to get yourself out of the situations which you have gotten yourself into, but you must be willing to identify the constraints which prevent you from seeing the silver-lining which accompany the clouds.

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