F.U. Money and best-selling author Dan Lok with his book.

What kind of books should you read to become or build successful business?

You will find an answer in Dan Lok book. I am sure you will read this book (download audio version too).

I want to give in this post rather a big piece of the introduction to show the answer for the first question…

(before start reading you can watch some videos to get more impressions about the author)

<< If you go to the business section of bookstores and libraries, the shelves are packed with all kinds of business and success books—endless rows of personal development and self-help books. Most of these books are a complete waste of your time and money.

The first set of books is the touchy-feely, new age, prosperity-type stuff in the self-help section. The thing is, if you were to actually meet and get to know these so-called “prosperity gurus” in person, you would find out they have no money—they’re poor. They don’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.

So how the hell can they teach you about prosperity when they have no prosperity themselves? Oh, you might say, “Dan, they’re rich spiritually.” Yeah, right. That’s nothing but a lame ass excuse for the prosperity gurus to justify their lack of wealth. To me, true prosperity means being rich in ALL areas of your life.
This includes your home, love life, family, health, friends, fun, and yes, money. Lots of money.

The second set of books is the motivational psycho-babble.  These looney-toons tell you that if you recite daily affirmations… think positively enough… if you meditate and visualize… lock yourself in a room with purple candles and some hippy-smelling incense… that somehow money will fall into your lap.

These motivational gurus tell you if you feel good about yourself, you’ll make money. I say if you make a ton of money, then you’ll feel pretty damn good about yourself.

The third set of books is the business boos written by authors who have no real world business experience whatsoever. I particularly can’t stand these posers.

These are the business school professors and “paper gurus” who pose as business experts yet have never even started a business in their entire miserable lives.

While their theories might sound good, they’re of no help at all because the authors have never been in the trenches. They don’t know what it’s like to miss a payroll. They don’t know what it’s like to sell their car, mortgage their house, and live on rice and beans to keep their business alive.

Yet here they are doing “research” and feeding you all this nonsensical data and making it all so complicated that in the end you’re so confused that you never implement a damn thing.

Then you have the fourth group of books that attempt to walk you through the step-by-step mechanics of starting, growing, and, ultimately, selling a business.

Stuff like raising capital, marketing, selling, management, leadership, those types of books. Some are great, some are not so good, and some are downright dangerous. But NONE of these books will tell you how to prepare your mind and adjust your perspective for making your F.U. Money.

Lastly, you have the financial books—work hard, save money, live below your means, invest in mutual funds, let compound interest work its magic, and then ONE DAY you’ll be able to retire in comfort (not even rich) if you’re lucky.

Of course, that is if you have the self-discipline to put away the money, not blow everything you make at the end of every month, and get a high return on your investments for a LOOOONG period of time.

I don’t know about you, but I think the idea of working your entire life, as hard as you can, usually at a job you hate, so you can retire and enjoy life, is ludicrous.

Why wait until you’re old and gray to retire? Why wait until retirement to start enjoying your life? Why not do it now?

By the way, do you know who most of these financial experts and authors work for? The mutual fund companies! Why do you think these mutual fund companies advertise their retirement plans like crazy?

Cause they have your best interest at heart, or cause they make an obscene fortune in fees?

I think you already know the answer.


…read book>>

Download the book and read (.pdf file 284 pages) >>>
(There you can download Audio version too, but it can take time to download)


Dan Lok reminds about #1 Habit that will change the way you live

What is the #1 habit that will change your world?

May be you’ve noticed that in my blog I’ve already posted 3-4 videos from Dan Lok.
I can say that almost every video has value and awesome content, no matter that
they are 5-7 min.

In this video, Dan Lok reveals what he believes is the #1 habit that will change your world.

It’s not positive thinking… it’s not gratitude… and it’s not constant learning and growth…

so what is it?

Watch this video to discover the #1 habit that will change your world.

Dan is the creator of High-Ticket Millions Methodology™, the world’s most advanced system for getting high-end clients and commanding high fees with no resistance.

Dan works exclusively with coaches, consultants, thought leaders and other service professionals who want a more sustainable, leveraged lifestyle and business through High-Ticket programs and Equity Income.

Dan is one of the rare keynote speakers and business consultants that actually owns a portfolio of highly profitable business ventures. Not only he is a two times TEDx opening speaker, he’s also an international best-selling author of over 12 books and the host of Shoulders of Titans show.

Dan’s availability is extremely limited. As such, he’s very selective and he is expensive (although it will be FAR less expensive than staying where you are). Many of his clients are seeing a positive return on their investments in days, not months.

From Two Time TEDx Opening Speaker, Multi-Millionaire Entrepreneur, And Best Selling Author Of Over 12 Books, Dan Lok
F.U. Money Is A Step-By-Step Look At How I Went From Failing At 13 Businesses To Becoming A Self-Made Millionaire By The Age Of 27. And From There, Building An 8-Figure Empire Soon After. For A Limited Time, Download Both The Digital & Audio Version For FREE.

Download from here >>>



Copywriting explained by Sean Vosler in his book 7 figure Marketing Copy

Hi, readers of my blog and readers of this post only.

” I’d like to recommend you this book –
this is “live” and full of valuable stuff, on copywriting,
psychology, marketing..you name it when you read it.

 If you are still looking for a good program,
business opportunity, I would also recommended you
to check [Partner With Anthony-2019] program.

I am the member of this community.
Training from Sean is incorporated there,
as also many other methods.

PDF format of Sean’s book available in this
PWA-2019 program inside the last modules.”

Yuri Grin

A Quick Note from Sean Vosler, author of the book…
( physical version is not released yet,
Sean is still working on content)

Specifically, sales copywriting…

Copywriting is the act of writing text for the purpose of advertising
or other forms of marketing.
The product, called copy, is written content that aims
to increase brand awareness and ultimately
persuade a person or group to take a particular action.
But copywriting is so much more
than the academic definition.
I’ll add to that…
Copywriting is the most profitable skill I’ve ever learned.
Every serious entrepreneur ought to
understand its principles if they want to reach their
most audacious goals.
Yet, copywriting seems to be the one business skill
that’s riddled with… well, riddles.
This guide is designed to teach you how to solve
the copywriting riddle, and take the headache,
and heartache, out of writing marketing copy.
I’ll also hand you a copywriting method I’ve developed
that’s saved me countless
hours, and I know will help you write killer content
about your product or service.
here’s the point…
NONE OF THOSE SKILLS, and I really mean
NONE OF THEM, can shake a stick at compare
with the staggeringly profitable results copywriting skills
can generated. For many of my clients I’ve become the
most profitable “division” of their business mainly because
I’m better able to leverage their audiences with
my copy strategies than they can.
Which brings them a healthy return on their “investment” in me.
You can be a great funnel developer, video producer,
freelancer, graphic designer, “ecommerce-
marketer”, or agency owner…
But, if you can’t persuade people to actually buy
your stuff (or your client’s stuff)…
well… you’re screwed.

Click here to learn more about this book (it is just 7% of book content)
or plug into PWA-2019 program to build your own business.

Partner with Anthony Morrison To Build Your Online income 2019

3 Simple Steps To Building Your Profitable Email Marketing Business

If you’re reading this then you likely know there’s plenty of money to be made online ….

Of course you have to find the RIGHT STRATEGY and usually have a ton of experience to really make it work, and I am guessing if you’re here you’ve tried that before – and it simply didn’t work.

Most “online courses” promise to “show you how” to generate income online and they cost up to literally $2,495.00 just to gain access to some videos that are usually outdated…

How are you suppose to take some outdated videos and actually make money on the Internet?

The simple answer is IT DOESN’T WORK FOR MANY PEOPLE

That’s why I decided to create a program that flips the script and changes everything so that you don’t fall into the same trap again.

My new “Partner With Anthony” program literally allows you to partner with me.

When you make money – I make money!

… and that’s great news for you because it means you can know beyond a shadow of a doubt my goal isn’t to just sell you some crappy outdated videos, my goal is for you to be successful and actually make money with our program.

Want Success – Work with the Best!

Do you want to start right away? Click HERE

PS: No Risk To Try, with Money Back Guaranteed.

(It’s only $7 per month to get all step-by-step instructions)

When you sign up you will get many different bonuses and FREE eBook (see image at the beginning of the post).

Thanks for your interest

Thanks for your interest

Thanks for your interest

Yuri Grin, Canada, 2022 yurigrin@gmail.com


Welcome to my blog.
I really hope you have a good day!

I am going to show you programs
that can help you build a list and generate residual income.
Just wanted to start out honest and straight with you.
If you join the programs, I am going to offer, you should treat them as an online business.

You have to invest time and money to build and grow
assets that will keep producing regular and passive income for you.

Thanks for your interest

Click the button below…

prosperity marketing system


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    contacts and updates… (optional)

PS: Please make sure my emails will reach you by whitelisting my email address (add my email address to your contact list).

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Review Brian Tracy and his book Eat the frog.

This eat that frog story comes from Mark Twain. Mark Twain once said that, “If the
first thing that you do when you wake up in the morning is to eat a live frog, you’ll
have the satisfaction of knowing that’s probably the worst thing that’s going
to happen to you all day long.”

We all have only 24 hours per day. We cannot change that. Some people use that 24 hours per day in  more efficient way and eventually get the job done. Other people finish their day and get only minimum possible things done.

We don’t want to eat that frog. So we procrastinate. Advice from Mark Twain has 2 points.

  1. If you have to do something very hard or unpleasant (ugly frog) start you day with this (don’t spoil the rest of the day).
  2. If you have to do 2 hard tasks today do the most difficult first ( the ugliest frog).

You cannot manage time, you can manage the things (events) that you can do during the day (or the order of events). It’s really the management of the sequence of events in your life.

Personal management is the ability to choose what you do first, what you do second, and what you do later if at all. Way you use your time and order of choices you make really changes  output of whole day.

You can read a lot more in the book of Brian Tracy “Eat that Frog”.

Email 70 MILLION Targeted – Opt-In Prospects
Every Month! That’s 2.3 MILLION Every Day!

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Heal your life and business with Louse Hay

Louise was able to put her philosophies into practice when she was diagnosed with cancer. She considered the alternatives to surgery and drugs, and instead developed an intensive program of affirmations, visualization, nutritional cleansing, and psychotherapy. Within six months, she was completely healed of cancer.

In 1980, Louise moved back to her native Southern California, and it was here that she began putting her workshop methods on paper. In 1984, her new book, You Can Heal Your Life, was published. In it, Louise explains how our beliefs and ideas about ourselves are often the cause of our emotional problems and physical maladies and how, by using certain tools, we can change our thinking and our lives for the better.

You Can Heal Your Life reached the New York Times bestseller list and remained on it for 13 consecutive weeks. More than 50 million copies of You Can Heal Your Life have been sold throughout the world. Twenty years later, due to her appearances on the Oprah Winfrey Show, You Can Heal Your Life was again on the New York Times bestseller list. The first time in that publication’s history that has happened!

Beautiful and meaningful affirmations to uplift your day. Click on each category below to reveal positive affirmations for creating your best life!  Read some of them.

Inspirational Quotes about prosperity | "Life brings me only good experiences. I am open to new and wonderful changes." — Louise Hay

Are you still looking for your path to build online business from home? (or any location with access to internet)? Check this out here >>> or read more about The Towers Team here>>>


All in One Profit – AIOP – Review

What Is All In One Profits?

All in one profits, the underdog and sleeping goldmine that nobody has been talking about. The company has been live since 2012 and yet very few internet marketers have exploited its goodies. I can tell you for sure, nobody is more grateful than its own members.

Welcome to my straight to the point All in one profits review. I solemnly swear and promise to cut across all hype, bullshit and give you my honest opinion on this company. (by member of AIOP, internet entrepreneur, Avitus)

All in one profits is just as the name suggests, a set of all basic internet marketing tools packaged together in one bundle. That’s as layman as it can get.

If that was too vague. Here is better version.

Unlimited pro double opt in autoresponder, premium web hosting, Splash and Capture page builder, Link tracker, rotator, down line builder, internet marketing education and a 100% recurring commission business, packaged as one for a ridiculously low $11.5 per month fee. (If you stick to the end I’ll show you how to use AIOP at zero cost.)

Now, if for any reason I don’t have your full attention to this point,  here are the answers to those obvious questions you might have:

  • Yes you can host your blog on AIOP
  • Yes you can build your list using AIOP
  • Yes you can build your capture pages with AIOP,
  • Yes you can use AIOP at zero cost.

Here is the most important thing for me in this program.

AIOP not only saves you money on tools,

it suggest you “Fire your boss or retire in 8 weeks PLAN” (see it here).

More than money you can make promoting this company, program, opportunity or whatever word you choose, its true value lies within its product line. It’s a shame that most high ranking all in one profits reviews on Google and other search engines fail to point this out.

Most of them are what I call bait reviews, misguiding and scaring people but in the end offering a link to join their opportunities claiming that theirs are the ones that are truly legit.

Listen, I know you probably landed on this review to find out whether All in one profits is worth your time and money. For a fact everyone is afraid of being scammed and we have seen many scams come and go.

But I’ll tell you this, you are also allowed to test my theory if you wish.

If a program exists to purely rotate money among its members with no solid product attached to it (cash gifting), that opportunity will definitely die in a very short time.

Again such programs barely survive a year online. But even if they do, they won’t make it to two years.

Important Details

all in one profits, AIOP, allinoneprofits

All in one profits was launched in January 2012. More refreshing than knowing that this company has survived a test of time, 3 years and 10 months at the time of this posting, Isabela Capsuna is the CEO , /owner of this company with its origins in Europe (Romania)

all in one profits, AIOP, allinoneprofits 1

I quote –

AIOP is designed to be a complex  project, a whole advertising network providing web hosting and autoresponder services, along with all the essential web tools, products and services, software, educational material and training and all legal forms of advertising, a complete and complex web platform with access to a lot of ingredients making possible any business online.

As product is key, let’s dive into the details of the two main products that makes AIOP what it is. (Before we talk about the money you can make)

All in One Profits Products.

Web Hosting

This is number one all in one profit products. It offers premium web-hosting services. That means you can host unlimited number of domains on the same account with a popular easy to use c panel which is pretty popular in the market.

That comes with 500 MB of disk space, 5 GB of disk bandwidth, unlimited emails, all that backed up with a 99.9% up-time guaranteed.

This is the same kind of service that other big companies like hostgator and godaddy would charge you $10 a month. (For this alone).

Bundled with that, this service also comes with a how to video guide that takes you through the process. So even if you are a total newbie, you’ll be guided through the whole process.


The money is in the list. It’s a common saying in our space. You need to start building a list. That’s how people make money online. To build one, you need an autoresponder service and all in one profits has the best one for you.

This is the service that made me pay my way into the company without thinking twice.  For 2 years I have been searching for alternative ways of collecting emails without spending a fortune. Thank God I stumbled upon AIOP.

Companies know that people need to build their lists. And because this is almost a necessity, these companies charge a ridiculous high fee for a limited number of subscriber.

Let’s have a look at the industry’s biggest players i.e. Aweber, Get Response and Mail chimp.

For just 2000 subscribers, the least you can pay is not less than $15. As your list grows you’ll be required to pay more. That means as time goes and as your list grows, a point will come when you won’t be able to afford the services as shown below.

Aweber pricing

Allinoneprofits, all in one profits review, AIOP (Aweber pricing comparison)


Get response pricing

Allinoneprofits, all in one profits review, AIOP (Get response pricing comparison)


Back to AIOP autoresponder. For just the same fee that gives you a hosting account ($11), you also get an unlimited autoresponder service.

Unlimited means:

  • You can have unlimited subscribers (go for a million, it’s your choice)
  • You can send unlimited follow up messages
  • You can send unlimited broadcast emails
  • You can save unlimited campaigns

And as usual there is a guide video that takes you through setting everything up

Other products Include

  • AIOP Splash/squeeze page builder
  • AIOP Tracker
  • AIOP down line builder
  • AIOP Rotator
  • AIOP E-Library

All in one profits membership and Pricing.

The program has two membership levels. Basic and pro priced at $11.75 and $19.5 respectively. I decided to stick with the basic since I get all the above mentioned services with no limitation.

The pro membership is in my opinion not too important. Include are just a set of additional tools that i can do without. So for the time being I’m comfortable right where I am (Basic).

all in one profits, allinoneprofits, AIOP, all in one profits review membership chat

By the way,

If anything I have said from the beginning resonates with you. Here is my link for you to join. Yes you’ll be placed either on my downline or my sponsor’s downline and on our rotator.

Either way I treat everyone the same in terms of support.

On top of that,

I will also earn a 100% commission from you which brings us to the most interesting part.

How to make money with All in One Profits (Compensation plan)

At the beginning I promised to tell you how to use AIOP at zero cost.

Well, here it is – Get your first sign up and your monthly fee is pretty much covered. This is however for as long as that person continues maintaining their membership’s i.e. monthly fees. (Shrug)

Don’t walk away.

There’s a much more interesting game going on with AIOP compensation plan.

First of all, all in one profits uses a network marketing model. You receive monthly recurring commissions from those you introduce to the company. They become your downlines and you also benefit from the pass ups coming from their downlines and their downlines’ downlines.

For sure I’m a fun of 100% commissions and I know you are too. There are a few companies that have implemented this model in the past and we all know how motivational it can be. Allinoneprofits offers the same.

The most enticing thing however, is the pass up game coded into the pay plan. That simply awards AIOP’s compensation plan as one of the best in the industry.

Here is how it goes:

You sponsor your first person, he or she becomes your direct downline. You sponsor your second and you pass him or her to your sponsor. Then your third becomes yours and the forth your sponsor’s.

Simply put, all referrals down to infinity that falls under an odd number (1, 3, 5, 7……) becomes your direct referrals. And, all those that fall on an even number (2, 4, 6, 8……) becomes your sponsor’s.

Now most people would walk away laughing and cursing this to be the lamest pay plan ever. But here is the coolest stunt of all.

You also get pass ups from all your odd number referrals. Those pass ups also give you pass ups that gives you pass ups that also gives you pass ups down to infinity.

So basically, you get fed from every level down forever. Even if you ended up signing up 1 serious person for example, it could really sprout into a ginormous pay overtime. Just bar non CRAZY.

Join for free ( to our team) just to see this UNIQUE PATENTED COMPENSATION PLAN and then make a decision.

Why I joined all in one profits.

There are two main reasons why I joined AIOP.

  1. Cost minimization

One of the reasons I failed in my first online venture was the cost involved to run that business. I was a newbie and very broke. I was spending more on the tools required to operate an online business than the actual money I could make.

With all in one profits, I get all the essential tools to operate an online business (hosting, unlimited autoresponder and other packages) for a throw away price ($11/month). That’s just something I couldn’t ignore.

Having studied accounting as a profession, I do understand well how beneficial having your operational costs at the lowest can be.

Plus I can have all this at zero cost with just one sign up. Shoot me in the head but AIOP is just the best place to be at the moment.

  1. The Money

Ultimately we are all here to make money, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this right now. Even though I didn’t join this company to primarily make money with it, but just a simple fact that I can get paid good dollar while building my primary business sold me. I was in before I signed up.

After all, multiple side incomes (this blog) revolves around the idea of having multiple streams of passive income.  AIOP is just another one of my passive income streams.

*** Some people don’t understand this plan and mark it as another “bullshit” or “scheme”. I can say that this compensation plan is innovative.


Whether you simply want to make money online or build your primary business, All in one profits will suite your needs both as a business opportunity and also as an online business tools service provider. It’s pro and newbie friendly, not forgetting how cheap it is.


AIOP already has more than three years on its track record. I can’t think of nothing more than the solidness of the services it offers as being one single factor that makes this company sink proof. As we have all witnessed many come and go, I can only say that this company’s journey has just began and the sails are still holding tight.

That concludes all in one profits review. Join my team here and have your free trial.

Create your own retirement plan with AIOP and retire early. PLAN is here.

If you like what you’ve read please share it online (see buttons at the beginning of the post)


Your Spare Time and How To Make Money From Home In – Part 1

How To Make Money From Home In Your Spare Time – Part 1

how to make money from home in your spare timeWould you like to know how to make money from home in your spare time? I bet you would. But, do you have sufficient time to spare to start your own business, from home? You will probably say NO to this question. And if you could find at least one hour a day, would you consider starting something that you would like to do that … (this post is prepared by John, Wealthy Affiliate Premium Member)


  1. will increase your present retirement income, maybe doubled, tripled …?
  2. could help you retire earlier AND very comfortably?

For those of you who answered yes to either of these questions, I have some good news for you. Read on … If you answered no, then, don’t waste your time to continue reading, this is definitely not for you. Continue doing what you think is good for you and your family, and good luck. For all the others, I have written this article. I have divided into four part so that it is more digestible. But don’t worry, each part is easy to understand. So, let’s get started …

How to make money from home in your spare time – Part 1

As you are still reading, I take it that you are interested in finding that extra hour a day to make a huge difference in your future; the comfort and happiness of your loved ones; either as a retiree, or in view of your approaching retirement.

As you continue reading I will show how to find that extra hour that you don’t even know you have. To turn this missing hour into a very profitable business, from home, doing the things that you always loved doing, but never could, because of … “lack of time!“.

Setting up your business part-time is not easy. Because the pitfalls are not lacking. Among them: the lack of time. Trust me, I know all about it, and I will share with you my unique method that will enable you to free up that one hour a day and to turn it into to a profitable online business from home.

Fortunately, it is possible to free up to 1 hour per day or more!

*** Advertising ***

Are you on fire to retire early? Please check this PLAN.


You will discover 11 actions that you can easily take to save you the time you need to start your business part-time.

Here is the million dollar questions …

  • Would you like to buy time?
  • Up to an hour or more per day?

An hour to help you start your business on the Internet; develop an audience; become independent and leave your boss once and for all, if you are still under employment; or to add a good chunk of money to your retirement income if you are already retired.

And for that, you don’t even have to be a genius.

Honestly, it is not by chance that I tell you this, because we all have the dream of saving an hour or more a day; even those who have answered no to my questions above. By answering yes, you simply proved that you believe in yourself, so, this is already half the battle won.how to make money from home in your spare time

Whether it is to start your activity on the Internet, to have free time for yourself or to spend more time with your loved ones, this hour is available for you to use as you wish.

But it is not something you can do by snapping your fingers or manipulating a magic wand.

You know it already: we all have 24 hours in our days.

On average, in a day, you have 8 hours of work (if you still are on the 9 to 5); 6 to 8 hours of sleep; 1 to 2 hours of transport; 2 hours to eat all the meals of the day and 1 hour to care for our body, shower or take a bath.

If we had to be content with that, we can conclude that we have about 7 hours of free time each day.

In theory, it should not be a problem, because even if we have a job in the meantime, we still have plenty of time to work on a project.

Unfortunately in practice, it’s not at all like that.

Because in addition to hours of work, sleep and others, we find ourselves with other activities to take care of, namely hobbies, entertainment, sports, artistic, social, charity, etc.

As a human being, it is only natural that we all have these sorts of activities in our daily lives.

Otherwise, we would spend all our days dying of boredom with a deck of cards in hand, as was the case for our great grandparents.

Suddenly, instead of finding yourself with 7 hours of free time, you find yourself in reality with crumbs.

Between you and me, it’s a big problem!

Because for most of us, it is this lack of time that we need to create our own little profitable business.

Some manage to build their business, but for a large majority of us (and this may be your case), we have a lot of trouble to kick start our business.

So much that we may end up with a nervous breakdown if we are not careful, exhausted with all our un-used strengths and resources, and disgusted for not being able to enjoy life like many other successful entrepreneurs.

Fortunately, a problem always has a solution

Apart from moving to settle on Jupiter or Saturn, it is scientifically impossible to live more than 24 hours in a day.

So, it is quite useless to try to lengthen the duration of your days.

Since we cannot create days of 25 hours or more, how can we manage to free one hour per day under such conditions?

Before I explain how you can save time in your days, you first need to know why you cannot find that time for your business project.

It’s very important to know that, because it will save you a lot of time, effort and maybe even money.

So, let’s go through it together …

Why you cannot find time to start your own business

Generally, when we cannot start our own business, whether on the Internet or elsewhere, we instantly believe that the problem is the lack of time.

That is to say, we cannot even fit an hour for a project into our personal agenda.

And to be honest with you, I am well placed to tell you that, because I had exactly the same problem. When I wanted to build my business at the same time as had a j.o.b to go to.

But that’s not all, because early 2001, I decided to embark on the entrepreneurial adventure, especially on the Internet. So of course, at first, I thought that I did not have the time to start anything and thought of keeping a job at the same time. Because I thought that setting up an activity would require a lot of work, a lot of time, a lot of energy and a lot of money to get started.

But, despite all the constraints I had, such as commuting distance, sports activities, the big stack of homework and the hours to train me in marketing, I managed to find some free time.

I don’t mean to tell you that I managed to free myself 10 hours a day as if by magic, it would be to pretend to be a Mythomaniac by telling you that.

On the other hand, I managed to free myself an hour a day at least. And in some exceptional cases, I even managed to free myself 4 hours in my days.

In short, all this to say that despite my research, my job alternately and all the constraints I had, I could find free time to work on my business project.

First of all, are we really lacking free time?

Honestly, in 95% of cases, it is very likely that you are are not short of any free time.

Because in reality, you have more free time than you think.

We are not going to lie to each other: if at this moment you can read these lines, it is because somewhere you have managed to find some free time.

Even if it’s not the amount of free time you’ve been hoping to have ?

IcebergTo put it simply, free time is like an iceberg. It is known that 90% of an iceberg is under the surface of the water (this is called the hidden side of the iceberg).

In the same way that we underestimate the size of an iceberg, we all tend to underestimate the free time we have.

So, one may wonder if the real problem is not the lack of time, but rather a lack of priority.

That is, the real problem is that we do not know how to differentiate between a priority activity and an activity that is not.

That’s why we cannot find free time to move forward on our project, whether to launch an activity on the Internet or otherwise.

And you know why ? Because we have not defined our priorities in advance.

Basically, it’s like playing roulette by betting $1 on all the numbers at each turn.

In this way, you may win a few rounds, but you will have a hard time winning the game; or even less to win the jackpot, because you will cause a lot of loss in the meantime.

However, if you decided to bet big on a limited number of numbers, then you have more chances to win the game and to hit the jackpot.

And so, if you come to understand that your real problem is not a lack of time, but a lack of priority, then you have taken a big step forward.

Because understanding this, you will realize that the time needed to work on your business project has always been there. It was just necessary to make it a priority.

Talking about priority, tell me what are your priorities?

how to make money from home in your spare timeI am now inviting you to take something to write and to take note of all of them before continuing to read the rest of this article.

Because it will serve as a basis for everything else; not to mention that your chances of finding free time will skyrocket.

Once you have written  down your priorities on a sheet of paper (or your computer note pad), then at that point, you will be ready to discover the many ways to gain one hour a day.

And to choose those that will help you progress with your priorities.

In short, if you have already written your priorities, then you are finally ready to discover …

How to make money from home in your spare time.

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Before we begin, know that the list we are going to work on is not an exhaustive list, there are surely other ways to save one hour per day and use it to supplement your present or future retirement income.

If you know of any, do not hesitate to share it in the comments section at the bottom of this article, it can help some readers who are in the same boat as you. ?

This is how you are going to find the time to start your own business:

  • Gain back the control of your smartphone
  • Get to bed early and work earlier in the morning
  • Do not overload your day
  • When asked to help, refuse by all means
  • Chuck your TV through the window (or reduce its use)
  • Automate repetitive tasks
  • Always finish what you started
  • Do not make an appointment unless it’s really important
  • Have recent equipment and of quality to work with
  • Stop going on Facebook and other social networks at will
  • Relearn how to manage your email box
  • A word before you leave
Anyway, are you ready to devour everything?

If so, then let’s get started ?

Gain back the control of your smartphone

We are not going to lie, we are all more or less addicted to smartphones, at a point where we spend more than an hour a day on it (according to an article I read on Forbes).

Why? Because it’s texting, notifications, apps, instant messengers, and so on, that push us to spend a lot of time on our smartphones.

So, it’s no longer you who make the law, it’s your smartphone that makes the law. It’s your smartphone that decides what you have to do with your days.

And that is very annoying, especially if you want to start your activity on the web and become free of your boss.

So of course, the idea behind all this, it’s going to be to return the process; that is to say, to become again the person who decides whether or not, you want to spend time on your smartphone.

Plane modeHow to do that? First, you have to remove all notifications from your smartphone, ie Facebook, Skype, Messenger, Mail, etc.

Then, make it a habit of putting your smartphone in “airplane mode” every time you work on your project (that’s what I did, right now, it’s in airplane mode).

And finally, last thing, set a time frame where you do not have the right to touch your smartphone and one where you will have the right to use it.

In this way, you will become the ONLY master of your smartphone?

Get to bed early and work earlier in the morning

You know, many of us want to start an activity on the web, but for many, there is THE BOSS who is always present. Which forces us to work in the evening on our project.

Unfortunately, it’s a bad idea.

Why ? Because in general, when we come home from work, we do not feel like working on our project. We want to do only one thing: to sit on the couch!

It is not for nothing that we jump on the sofa at the end of the day, because a day of work exhausts us literally.

Then, once we hit the couch, we tend to postpone until tomorrow what we promised us to do tonight; that is to say, work on our business project.

Then we do the same thing again the next day; the day after tomorrow; then the following day; and so on. It becomes a vicious circle.

Between you and me, we’ve all done it before. Including me.

So, if you really want to save an hour a day for your business project, postpone it and do the work in the early morning.

In short, how? Already, you need to define the time that you will need to work on your project in the morning, in general, a minimum of an hour.

Then you will have to learn to get up earlier than usual, for example, to get up at 6:00 am instead of 7:00 am.

Not to mention that you will have to set the time you have to go to bed earlier to make sure you get up earlier.

And finally, get in the habit of working early on your project.

In this way, you will save an hour each day to start your activity; you will tend to procrastinate less and above all, you will have the evening just to rest. Pretty good plan huh! ?

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Do not overload your day

Often, when we want to launch an activity on the web and we do not have all day to do it. We tend to overload things to do, despite the short time available.

For example, write an article, make a podcast, reply to e-mails, reply to comments, update our blog, modify our landing page, create a logo, contact a partner, etc.

Well, it’s good to want to do your best to start your activity on the web. It shows that you are serious about it.

Only thing, if you really want to save time, know that it is not a good idea to proceed in this way.


Because it is not by doing many things that you will start your activity on the web 10 times faster.

You can do a lot of things in a very short time, like 30 tasks in an hour; maybe it’s possible.

Except that among these 30 tasks performed, most of them have no impact on your web activity.

Do you know why most tasks are useless? Because there are really very few things that have a huge impact on your business project.

For example, updating your WordPress blog has no more impact than posting a guest article to a blogger.

Because by publishing on your blog, you will gain a lot of visibility; while by doing a simple update on your blog, you might not have earned a single extra potential customer.

So, instead of saving time by doing a lot of things, you waste your time doing unnecessary things.

I know, it’s completely counter-intuitive what I’m telling you, even I did not believe it a few years ago.

Yet, I learned the truth by doing the exact opposite. I can tell you that it hurt my ego when I perceived the difference.

In short, how can you avoid doing this?

The first thing you need to do is understand that the amount of finished work does not mean that you will progress faster.

Then, from the moment you understand that, you need to identify the essential tasks of your business.

For this, you will need to make a table in 2 columns.

One column for all essential tasks for your business and another column for all non-essential tasks.

To give you a concrete example, here is a table of my personal tasks that I find essential for me:

  • Publish articles
  • Publish podcasts
  • Train myself in efficiency and marketing.

As well as tasks that are not:

  • Create a logo
  • Make the promotion on Facebook
  • Analyze my competitors on Twitter
  • Update my WordPress blog
  • Look for a new WordPress plugin
  • Pay for Facebook or Google AdWord advertising
  • Improve the design of my blog
  • Improve the design of my emails
  • Create business cards
  • Etc.

I advise you to reserve a good half hour to complete your table of essential tasks and non-essential tasks. Once completed, you can continue to Part 2 of how to make money from home in your spare time. (Part 2 coming soon).

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Time management best strategies

Ben Franklin said it first:  “Time Is Money”

One of the biggest things that holds people back from making money online is poor time management skills.  After all, the internet is a seductive place, and you can sit down at your desk with the intention of working for 3 hours, only to get sucked into one of your favorite forums or looking at “cute cute kitty videos” or something. (thanks for this blog post to Stan Stuchinsky)

Unfortunately, if you don’t have the ability to manage your time wisely, chances are you’ll never be productive online (which means, of course, no making big money, quitting your job, or working full-time in your underwear).

Time management is one skill you absolutely MUST master to be successful.

If you’ve tried to get your time under control before and failed, or if you’re just looking to get a head start on a productive lifestyle, then you’ll find some helpful tips below.  (Just don’t spend too much time memorizing them…you’ve got work to do.  LOL!)

Make A List

Establish a “quitting time” – a hard, fast, carved-in-stone quitting time after which you PROMISE yourself you’re not gonna go back online for ANY reason related to work.

Let’s say that you establish that time as 3:00 PM.  About fifteen minutes before that time sit down in front of a pen and a yellow legal pad and make a numbered list of all the things you want to accomplish for the NEXT day.  And never, EVER tell yourself, “Oh, yeah, I’ll remember to do THAT tomorrow;  I don’t have to put it on my list.”  Those are precisely the kinds of things you DO want on a written list because those are the things that are SO common sense that you either keep putting them off or you simply forget about ’em.

Be sure to put that yellow legal pad in a convenient place – out of the way, but in a conspicuous place – beside your computer.  Making a “To-Do” list on a word file that you can file in cyberspace is merely an exercise in self-deception;  unless you put that list in an OBVIOUS place where you’re going to mentally “trip” over it all day long, you’re wasting your time.

And take-your-time!  Since this list is your Life’s Game-Plan for the next day, don’t just itemize what you MUST do;  think about what you SHOULD do, what you COULD do, and what you’d LIKE to do.

Finally – and probably most importantly – cross off each item (even the minor ones) as you accomplish them.  This is key to the whole process because it gives one a subconscious feeling of accomplishment.

“Managing your time without setting priorities is like shooting randomly and calling whatever you hit the target.”


The “Wurst Furst” Strategy

One of the failings we ALL share is the inborn need to put off unpleasant tasks as long as possible.  In other words we have  that all-too-human habit of…..


But there is a simple fix for this;  When you’re making out that To Do list at the end of the day, pick out that ONE task that is most distasteful – that one task that you’d rather walk over hot coals than perform – that one task that makes your blood run cold!


Now, the all-too-human method of handling this item is to put it off as long as possible, maybe even until it moves from being a mere annoyance to a major problem or catastrophe.  But WE’RE gonna approach this just a little differently;  you and I are going to do this “WORST, FIRST.”  We are going to conquer that most repulsive task of all BEFORE ANY OTHER ITEM ON OUR LIST!

You will find that when you consistently do the worst-first that you will be able to approach those OTHER tasks on your list with a relief and focus that would have been impossible if you had left that distasteful task weigh on your mind all day long.

Obey “Posted Limits ” – It’s Important to Know When to Start, But It’s MORE Important to Know When to S-T-O-P!

There are a lot of theories out there about how best to budget your time.  The most popular is the “80/20 rule,” which states that since 80% of your business comes from 20% of your activities, you should then focus 80% of your time on those activities.

Sounds great, right?  Unfortunately, it’s really hard to stick to, and you’ll most likely find yourself going over budget on other things.  And since any plan that’s hard to implement is essentially worthless, you need to find another tactic.

A great way to do this is to assign time limits to each activity, and hold yourself to them.  If you give yourself 30 minutes to respond to emails, once that timer goes off, you’re done.  No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

This will keep you on track with your day, and even better, having that sword hanging over your head really helps you focus on the task at hand. Chances are you’ll respond to more emails if you limit yourself to 30 minutes than you would if you gave yourself an entire afternoon.

Break It Down – “It’s Hard By the Yard, But a Cinch By the Inch”

In my opinion that old Nike marketing quote – “Just DO It!” – is the most crucial in the study of time management.

People fool themselves all the time into thinking that things are more important than they really are. Should that key word in your sentence be bolded or italicized?  Better think about it…and next thing you know you’ve wasted a bunch of time on something that’s likely inconsequential.

A far better strategy is to learn how to make decisions quickly.  In the above example, just go with whatever your gut tells you, or even whichever’s easier.  You can always go back and test to see if one truly is better than the other.  Chances are, though, you’ll find most decisions are relatively meaningless, and so just picking one at random is preferable to wasting time debating their merits.

I’m not saying make major decisions on the spur of the moment, without thought or planning.  But how many major decisions do you really make in a day?  I bet not many. There might be a lot that feel that way, but once you learn to just treat them like any other question, you’ll find that the decisions come easier…and that you get a lot more done each day.

The Wassell Strategy – “Done” Is Better Than “Perfect”

One of my worst traits is that I am a perfectionist!

The sad part about it is that I know it’s a bad habit, a terrible habit, in fact.  For example, I know fellow marketers who can sit down and write a well-crafted, effective sales letter in 10 or 15 minutes.  But me?  I might labor over a promotional message for hours.  It’s not unusual for me to use a thesaurus to analyze if one word is more descriptive, more powerful, more “potent” than another word in delivering my message.

Then one day a good friend of mine (by the name of John Wassell) pointed out the “error of my ways.”

In so many words he admonished me thus:  “Understand, Stan, that there’s certainly nothing wrong with wanting to do a good job, a GREAT job even:  the pursuit of excellenceis gratifying and healthy.  But the pursuit of perfection is frustrating, neurotic, and a terrible waste of time.”

To this day, like a recovering alcoholic or drug addict, I still struggle to overcome MY “addiction” whenever I start another project, no matter how large or small.  But in the final analysis, I have found that it IS far better to be “done than perfect”;  the end results are the same, but now…..

…..I have much more time to look at cute kitty videos on the Internet!

In so many words he admonished me thus:  “Understand, Stan, that there’s certainly nothing wrong with wanting to do a good job, a GREAT job even:  the pursuit of excellenceis gratifying and healthy.  But the pursuit of perfection is frustrating, neurotic, and a terrible waste of time.”

To this day, like a recovering alcoholic or drug addict, I still struggle to overcome MY “addiction” whenever I start another project, no matter how large or small.  But in the final analysis, I have found that it IS far better to be “done than perfect”;  the end results are the same, but now…..

…..I have much more time to look at cute kitty videos on the Internet!

Click here to see a copy of Stan’s Secrets of the Big Dogs.

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