You Should not Babysit your Downline.

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First of all, watch and listen to this video (6:10 min), (recorded by Matthew Graves)

3 Reasons Why You Should not Babysit your Downline

When it comes to MLM Network Marketing building your group is one of the most vital components to your business. Your downline is basically the people that are actively working the business, usually as distributors. In the beginning it is very important to be there for your people, as they will have questions and problems that you can help them solve. However, after a certain point you have to cut the apron strings and allow the people in your downline to work on their own.  Here are three reasons that you should not babysit your downline if you want your MLM business to grow effectively: (posted by Nate Leung)

3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Babysit Your Downline1. Babysitting your downline wastes your time

In the beginning it is crucial that you are there to mentor and train all of your distributors. However, you can quickly fall into the trap of answering every question they have and doing things for them that they could do for themselves. You are obviously responsible for properly training your team, but once they have a good understanding of the company or products then it is time to let them grow on their own. If you are spending all of your time assisting your downline then you won’t have time for the more important aspects of your business. If you have a distributor that is taking an inordinate amount of your time, then you need to have a discussion with them or even consider letting them go. Remember, time is money, particularly when you work from home.

2. They will not grow into leaders

At some point you have to let the birds out of the nest if they are going to fly. Ultimately you would like your distributors to grow into leaders that are recruiting other people and growing your business. If you are constantly holding their hand along the way or doing things that they could do for themselves, then you are simply stunting their growth and the growth of your business. Once you have given them the tools and training to succeed then it is time for your distributors to become leaders.

Why People Quit in MLM3. Your business will not grow if you babysit your downline


One of the most important parts of an MLM business is growing it through recruitment. If you are spending too much time dealing with every question your distributors have then you will not be out there recruiting new members. You might find that your business is suddenly stuck in the mud and that your growth is not what it should be. A big reason that MLMs grow stagnate is that the leader is not spending their time effectively. If you want your business to grow then you need to use your time efficiently.

These are just three reasons that you should not waste too much time babysitting your downline. If you find that you are spending too much time dealing with prospects (distributors) then it is probably time to reassess your training methods or even consider getting new distributors. The only way to effectively grow your MLM business is by having a downline that is capable and willing to take leadership roles.

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Yuri Grin

Internet entrepreneur, consultant. Toronto, Canada

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